Friday, April 1, 2016

Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes 03-23-2016


Anonymous said...

Most of the towns do there own line striping, of course that would mean getting out of the dump truck and that ain't going to happen in Winchester.

Anonymous said...

You have that right Dale is too damn lazy to work.

Whats in it for Me? said...

Don't know about lazy, but hwy sure as hell don't do anything they don't want to do, and Dale doesn't go out of his way to save this town any money.

Anonymous said...

I have never lived in a town that has such a huge budget for a highway department and yet at every turn they are hiring out to some private contractor to do the work the department should be doing. All I ever see is several town employees riding around in trucks and the head of the department in his truck driving all over town and up into Swanzey every day. I have also seen one of our town trucks coming through Northfield several times a day driving past my sister's house. Why are they in Massachusetts ?
Perhaps we need to hire people who can actually perform the work they should be doing instead of hiring out to others all the time?

Anonymous said...

And the head does as he pleases related to RSA's and DES rules. When Concord has had enough the fines will up our budget even more. Mr. Austin drives all over to Keene and back every day. Dale????? What's in Swanzey????

Glad there are new people in town and new faces at meetings and boards to uncover all of this............. FINALLY some new voices to make waves. Maybe just maybe the kingdom will fall now that a few new voices have crossed the moat.

Not that far off the mark said...

Don't know about Swanzey and Northfield, by the time they get to work and have there coffee it doesn't leave much time to go very far because they have to be back to the barn before noon to get ready for lunch. Then they have from 1:30 to 2:30 before its time to get ready to go home.

Li-ar Li-ar said...

Last nights selectmen's meeting showed how Roberta and Chan don't care what the voters think once again. Roberta and Chan didn't get there hand picked candidate for selectman voted in, so she put it off for another week. Roberta stated in a sentinel article a while back that she always goes with the voters even if she doesn't agree.

Anonymous said...

She's doing just what Sharra wants.. Margaret's hand picked lackey Doherty. She got him on the planning board and then on the zoning board and once again on the conservation committee so she could get the swing vote needed to tear down her house on Main Street and sell the property. Now she wants him on the select board so she can get hubby his job back. Just how obvious can you be Roberta? You and Chan don't care about this town all you care about is what's in it for the both of you. Step down now before the New Ipswich information finds it way around town.

the Winchester Informer said...

We find it simply amazing that despite many people filling out volunteer forms for openings on our boards and other town committees, that they never get chosen by this bunch. That the same people are named over and over again and sit on many; despite the official word coming out of Town Hall it's because "no one comes forward and wants to serve".
The poster above is correct, there are a couple of people who are manipulating what goes on in this town and it needs to come to an end

Anonymous said...

I think you meant the Historic District not Conservation Commission as far as Doherty. What does the State have to say about all of this apparent illegal process? I know of many people who have applied for Town positions who were not even considered no matter how qualified they were so the BOS could have their cronies. I sure hope Ben has a strong backbone to hold his own with the posse.

Anonymous said...

Since I am moving I don't give a damn what I say. Someone needs to ask Roberta who she is shining up to. It used to be a known fact that he got what he wanted. I drove up my road today and watched where the chip seal has eroded. Good work Dale! Someone is going o get hurt and you are not going to claim responsibility. After all you have forgotten how to do a days work. You ride around town and suck it up.
Many of you think that Margaret is to blame for all of this. Perhaps, I do not know the only thing that I do know is the selectmen ask her to do a job and she does it. They however do not have the balls to back her. Pardon my English but enough is enough.
Stop bitching about Margaret and start asking questions. If you do not like the answers go to the state. Enough it's time for you to be a grown up.

Anonymous said...

Dale has a reputation that precedes his working for the town. Who knows why it goes on and on. Who protects him and all the things that have happened over the years. Everyone seems to know about his actions and his work ethic and yet nothing is done. The same with Margaret and Leroy and supposedly some of our elected officals are felons. WHY???? Are all of us townspeople to blame??? Are we so fed up that we have given up??? Why does the state not intervene???? Why do any of us continue to live here??? I for one would leave in a heartbeat if I could sell my house. But only the rich in them there hills who live on the fringes and don't get involved seem to find Winchester a decent place to live. Sad situation for us all.

Pretty in Pink said...

Doesn't it state in the RSA if they don't appoint someone to the BOS another entity has to? Someone who is better versed in reading all that RSA gobbly gook can possibly clarify that for me & others.

the Winchester Informer said...

No. The board has the right and authority under RSA 669:61 to advertise and accept applications and then the whole board shall review EVERY application submitted and if a member nominates an applicant and another seconds the motion to accept that applicant, then the remaining members of the board are obligated to hold a vote. They can either do it verbally or by secret paper ballot. The law requires that ALL applications be reviewed by the whole board, not just a couple hand picked by a single board member, like what is transpiring now. The board chairperson has acted in a very unethical manner and her motives are quite clear. The fact that the chair has advertised and accepted applications twice and that she has placed the burden of certain candidates to meet "her" qualification and nominated others to be accepted because they have sat in the audience at prior board meetings is not only laughable it's ludicrous and borders on the illegal.

There are no qualifications required for any town or city office holder other than town or city manager. Anyone running for office, despite their education, IQ or general knowledge of town or city bylaws can hold said position if the voters of that town select them in a general election. We had a lot of interest this year for the vacancies on our board and the many candidates running for office, took the time to campaign, purchased products to promote themselves and even went door to door speaking with voters to gain their support. An effort to be commended on by all. Why the board and chair in particular did not simply follow the will of the people and choose the 3rd highest vote getter, as many towns do ( though not obligated by any law ) has now created an impasse on the board in filling the remaining vacancy. There seems to be more afoot here than simply filling a vacancy.

You can look up RSA 669:61 which explains in detail what the board can and should do

Anonymous said...

One might say that some of the board members have dug in their heels and want to follow the will of the people. This is why we elected them. I for one find it interesting that Roberta cannot bend. Perhaps we need to circulate a petition for a recall vote for the chair of the board. Obviously, she has her own agenda and not one that the people expect her to follow.
Have a nice day and ponder that thought